Find a Government Grant - Pay Off My Bills With Free Grant Money

If you are in search of a Government Grant so that you can pay of your credit card bills then you need to know the facts before you start your search. Many people are struggling now to make ends meet and this makes it hard to stay out of debt. In many cases we use our credit card to purchase things we need such as gas and food but if we can not afford to pay it off every month then we are faced with a mounting pile of credit card bills that we can not afford to pay.

Do not worry because there is a solution for you to get out of debt now. A Government Grant can give you the money that you need to eliminate those bills and get on the road to a better financial life. Many people are unaware that there is money that goes unused every single year that the government offers in the form of a grant.

Card Payment Solutions

Government Grants can be a great way for you to finally get the help you need to get out of debt but before you apply you need to know that they will approve people on a needs basis. So when you are searching for free grant money you need to make sure you find the best grant for your needs.

Find a Government Grant - Pay Off My Bills With Free Grant Money

One of the best benefits to getting a government grant over a consolidation loan is that the money is yours and you do not have to pay it back and this can be a really big help when you are trying to get a fresh start.

The time is now to get the money you deserve so don't wait any longer and get your Free Grant Money today.

Find a Government Grant - Pay Off My Bills With Free Grant Money

Citibank's Citi Simplicity Card: Now You Can Avoid Late Fees

Citibank recently launched a new credit card that takes away an important sting felt by many consumers: late fees. In an unusual move, the bank is now offering consumers "permanent forgiveness" for late payments and will no longer assess the customary late fee when a payment arrives after the due date. While the offer sounds great on surface, if you dig a little deeper you will soon learn that there are some things about the new Citi Simplicity card that can cost you more money in the long run. Let's take a closer look at what this credit card issuer is really offering with its new card.

The Problem

Card Payment Solutions

Consumer advocates have long cried foul when it has come to credit card late fees and penalties. Not only would you be assessed a one time late fee ranging from to if your payment arrived late, but your interest rate could be permanently increased to the default rate, typically as high as 29% annually. This "double whammy" further made it difficult for you, the credit card holder, to ever pay down debt.

Citibank's Citi Simplicity Card: Now You Can Avoid Late Fees

Citibank's Solution

In a bold marketing move, Citibank - one of the largest issuers of credit cards in the world - came up with its Citi Simplicity card in response to criticism levied by consumer advocates at the industry and at the bank personally. The new card, with no annual fee and no late fees, is designed for card holders who have been bitten by the late fee bug. No longer will you, as a card holder, have to worry if the check you sent off just before the payment due date arrived on time. With the Citi Simplicity card, a late arriving payment will be credited and no late fee assessed.

Taking a Closer Look

Within Citibank's offer are a few things that you should understand before you make the switch:

1. A late fee will not be charged to your account, but your interest rate may surge to the default rate. The default rate, in this case, can be as high as 29%! That's bad news for you especially if you had a fixed low rate previously.

2. You could also get a false sense of security by incorrectly believing that paying late regularly doesn't harm you in some other ways. For instance, consistently forwarded late payments can become part of your credit report, thereby negatively affecting your ability to purchase a car or a home down the road at a favorable interest rate. Important to note, a higher interest rate can add thousands of dollars to the purchase of a new home.

3. Finally, Citibank will waive the late fee only if you promise to continue to use the card. This is bad news for you especially if you are trying to reduce your balance each month without having to purchase something new, which simply adds to your balance.

In all, the Citi Simplicity card has much more to it than what meets the eye. For some people, the new card is a welcome change especially if you are one who pays off his balance in full each month. If you aren't, the Citi Simplicity card may cost you much more in the long run. Should you fall into this second category, it would be better for you to keep your existing card or shop for a new card with other features and more favorable requirements.

Citibank's Citi Simplicity Card: Now You Can Avoid Late Fees

Debt Resolution For Credit Card Debt Relief! Can it Help?

First I would like to say thank you for reading what I have to say on what may be a very important decision for you or your family. I have been working in the credit card debt relief industry for over a decade now and have quite a large knowledge base as to how the industry works. If you are serious about finding a solution to what could be a very bad and detrimental debt problem then you may find the information in this article to be very helpful.

This article is going to be rather lengthy, I want to state that right up front; I am going to address the most popular credit card debt relief programs on the market today. I feel it is necessary to address both the positive and negative aspects of each option. In addition I would like to go over another option a lot of people do not know about. This is debt resolution, a process very similar to debt settlement with the end results of saving money and time; however the negative aspects of debt settlement will be greatly diminished with debt resolution.

Card Payment Solutions

The first option is the most common and this is to do absolutely nothing. Which surprisingly is the exact thing most people do and may be what you have been doing up until now, before realizing you must take action to resolve the situation. Most people in debt and this could be including yourself are running on what is called the "credit treadmill". The credit treadmill is a ruthless and endless cycle of monthly minimum payments and high interest.

Debt Resolution For Credit Card Debt Relief! Can it Help?

This is perhaps one of the worst places to be financially. If you just pay your monthly minimum even if your interest rate is moderately low, you will be stuck in debt for over 38 years! During the course of the decades it takes to pay off this debt you will pay back over five times the original balance in interest alone! If your APR (interest rate) happens to be where millions of other people find theirs, up in the high twenties if not thirties, it will take much, much longer to get out of debt. And naturally you will be losing A LOT more money.

I don't really feel I need to address the first option anymore. There are no positive aspects to being stuck in debt and doing nothing about it but paying minimum payments.

Once people are made fully aware of the situation they are in, and have come out of denial to the fact that they do indeed have a problem with credit card debt the first option many people look into is debt consolidation.

There are two ways about which debt consolidation can be achieved. There are debt consolidation loans, and then there is consumer credit counseling.

Let me first explain the option of getting a debt consolidation loan. A debt consolidation loan is a loan taken out to pay off the balances on your credit cards. The benefit from doing this is that there will be only one monthly payment made on the loan. Thus taking away the headache of juggling multiple payments to the various creditors. The second benefit is that the loan may come at a lower interest rate.

This is however in my opinion the riskiest of all the credit card debt relief options. Why? Because in the vast majority of cases the only possible way to obtain a debt consolidation loan is by using your home for security; essentially taking out a second mortgage to pay off your credit card debts! What you will be doing is transforming your low risk unsecured credit card debt into a high risk loan secured by your HOME!

The sad fact is that over 80% of people who end up in this situation and use the equity in their home to pay off their credit card debts find themselves within the same situation in less than five years.

The old cliché "no pain no gain" applies greatly to this method of debt relief. It is just too easy to use the money in your home, pay off your balances and get on with life. The problem is first you are not out of debt and second nobody ever does the right thing and cuts up their credit cards. It's just too easy to get back into more credit card debt; you will have your little plastic cards with zero balances practically begging you to charge on them again.

Later in the future when you enter round two against credit card debt you will have not one but two secured financial obligations tied to your home that must take priority over your credit card bills. You also may have other secured financial obligations such as a car loans that must take priority over the new credit card bills as well. Except this time there will be no more equity in your home to get another loan. What happens to many people is they either must file bankruptcy, or risk foreclosure.

I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have seen this happen over my years of working in this industry and it's very sad. This is why I said in my opinion a debt consolidation loan is the riskiest and the worst option to use when trying to get out of debt.

This brings me to the next option which is very often confused with debt consolidation because it is quite similar. Consumer credit counseling shares many of the same benefits as a debt consolidation loan but without taking the risk of losing your home. A credit counseling agency will look to get your interest rates lowered, and they will have you make one monthly payment to them which they will disperse to the creditors for you; thus giving you the convenience of one monthly payment.

A reputable credit counseling service may very well be the best option for some debtors. However many of these programs will not be feasible. With a credit counseling program you are still paying back 100% of what you owe plus interest and there are service fees involved. Lots of people realize they will not be able to manage the payments on this type of a program, in some cases the payments may be even more than what you are putting out towards the monthly minimums.

Unfortunately consumer credit counseling programs have a very high failure rate, over 70%! The reason being if you miss more than one payment on this type of a program the creditors will kick you out of the program, thus revoking the benefits of one monthly payment and a low interest rate.

The reality is that for a lot of people credit counseling programs will just cost too much money. The program will take between 5-7 years; can you guarantee that over that time period you will not have any financial difficulties that will cause you to miss payments? Especially, if it is quite hard to budget the program in the first place.

Thankfully for those of us who don't want to or can't manage credit counseling there are other options available. Bringing us to debt settlement, this process has been helping millions of people get out of debt during this terrible recession. The benefits of debt settlement are different from any of the above options. With debt settlement you may find yourself saving up to half of what you currently owe, and by that I mean the actual balance owed, this has nothing to do with interest rates. In addition you can realistically expect to get out of debt in three years or less; this is a far cry from over three decades running on the credit treadmill.

Saving a lot of time and money while getting out of debt may sound great, and while these are very nice benefits debt settlement also comes with its respective drawbacks.

The problems associated with debt settlement are due to the fact that you must fall behind on your debts in order for the creditors to be willing to negotiate a settlement. There are no creditors in the world that will negotiate on current debt and why would they? If you are current and are paying them their monthly minimum payments with high interest why in the world would they negotiate, they have your precisely where they want you; running on the credit treadmill.

Naturally if you are current with your payments this will have an adverse affect on your credit score. And sadly a lot of people will allow that reason alone to keep them from debt settlement, thus keeping them stuck on that treadmill. For those who are already behind then this is somewhat of a moot point, the damage done to the credit has already taken place.

Another negative effect of falling behind is dealing with collections calls, some debt settlement companies claim they can get the calls stopped, but many lie about that because by law no debt settlement company can stop calls.

When falling behind there is the chance that the creditors can issue a lawsuit. Now from my experience in this industry I can confidently tell you this is not the mainstay for the creditors. It simply costs them too much money and time to bring everyone who falls behind to court, with no guarantee of collecting any money. However, lawsuits are still a possibility and I feel that it is necessary for people to understand this before using debt settlement.

So with debt settlement the benefits are clearly the best, but they do come with their own negatives mentioned above.

This now brings us to another method of credit card debt relief. Like debt settlement, it is designed for people who have become heavily indebted and need to save money in order to get out of debt quickly. This process is known as debt resolution.

Debt resolution is very similar in structure to debt settlement, debt resolution is basically debt settlement handled through the hands of a law firm. According to recent law suits, a law firm does not offer the client any more protection under the law from the negative aspects of the debt settlement process than a debt settlement company can. In fact you will achieve the same end results of saving time and money like debt settlement, however many law firms will charge you upfront legal fees and retainers, on top of their settlement fees.

According to the Illinois Attorney General, there is no difference in the process between debt resolution and your standard debt settlement company so there is no reason they should be violating the recent rulings that state that a company offering debt settlement should not charge any of its fees before a settlement has been negotiated. Quite simply, you are not given any more protection or services for the extra money you are paying them

Another big Misconception is that there is that resolution has an advantage over your typical settlement company in how a law suit can be addressed. What these law firms do not tell you is that they will not represent you in court and many will not even assist you with answering the summons. You hired them to simply negotiate your debt and that's it. What most debt settlement companies will do is contact that creditor and attempt to work out a settlement with them so that they will drop the law suit. This does not require an attorney to accomplish.

Using debt resolution through a law firm does not give you more protection. Anyone can legally contact and negotiate a settlement even after a law suit has been issued; thus keeping the client from ever going to court and from possibly getting a judgment. The reality is the collectors know when they are suing that they will not recoup the whole debt and are very keen on settling. It is much easier for them to deal with a reputable company that complies with the regulations, where they know they will be getting money back. This is a HUGE advantage of going with a company that does not charge its fees in advance.

I hope after reading this article you feel more enlightened to how the credit card debt relief industry works and feel more educated to the various options available to you. If you would like to see if debt resolution would be the most ideal model of credit card debt relief for your situation then I invite you to follow the link below and fill out an application requesting more information. I welcome the opportunity to review your current financial situation and see if this process will be the correct path for you.

Debt Resolution For Credit Card Debt Relief! Can it Help?

What is the Best Credit Card Processing Company?

What is the best credit card processing company, and what qualities and services determine what is the best credit card processing company. If you are a business in search of a merchant account provider in order to begin accepting card payments you must know some of the basics of what is available and what makes the best.

If you are a small business with a physical location, you will be in need of what is referred to as a point of sale terminal. POS terminals are the small devices that you see in restaurants and businesses that allow for the reading of credit cards when they are swiped, your processing company will need to provide various terminal options to fit your unique business needs, and they usually provide leasing or purchase opportunities for your terminal. If you are service trade shows or other mobile events you might want to consider wireless processing terminals.

Card Payment Solutions

The next feature of the best credit card processing companies after a means of accepting payment is the companies service and support rating. Payment processing and gateway setup can be a pain for your online business, especially if your webmaster is nowhere to be found. Thorough tech support and service support is essential for the proper setup and maintenance of your transaction processing service and the best companies offer thorough help and fast responses to your inquiries.

What is the Best Credit Card Processing Company?

If you are currently a small business, you may not be using all of the features your payment processing company has to offer. This may be fine for now, but in the future you might be ready to expand and grow, perhaps opening an online storefront with transaction capabilities, or need to expand with additional store locations. The best credit card processing companies have features that allow your service to grow as your business grows, such as shopping cart integration, online customer service, and multiple location capabilities.

Finally and most importantly, the best credit card processing companies keep their contracts short and the fees and charges to a minimum. I am not against these companies making a profit, by no means, but the best companies realize that your success is their continued success, and burdening you with transaction fees and hidden charges does not keep you in business.

Providing value to you the business owner should be the primary goal of the best credit card processing companies, and if their service should enable your business, increasing customer satisfaction and purchases, and not stand in your way. Finding the best payment processing company is like finding a partner who has the best interests of your business in mind, and anything less than that is unacceptable.

What is the Best Credit Card Processing Company?

Fast Debit-Card Loan With No Credit Check

The most convenient loan is the one which is obtained with out any verification of your credit scores, collateral, no documentation or lengthy paper work. Hassle free debit card loans help you enjoy the same benefits. When you apply for a debit card loan, you receive your loans on the same day, with in 24 hours of time. And your loan gets deposited directly to your banking account. With this type of loan, you don't have to prove your good credit scores, even a bad credit holder can obtain quick loans if he's employed.

Lenders would want to see an employment proof, to ascertain that you are employed. As you need to pay back short term loan on your next pay day and it is vital to prove that you are employed. Now, you don't have to wait till your next pay check. If you have to fulfill your emergency needs, priorities your needs before fulfilling them. Get instant cash before your next pay check!

Card Payment Solutions

Such loans are newly introduced in the financial market and are a new way of lending money. It was conceptualized out of borrower's need for short term small fund requirement and is obtained quickly. Instead of your house or property, for the first time, your debit card is used as a collateral. It's quite popular for small loans and is obtained quickly and easily. It is more or less an unsecured loan with a short loan tenure. Hence, lenders offer you a small loan amount.

Fast Debit-Card Loan With No Credit Check

If you have had a previous poor credit history this will not affect your application. Don't be worried, despite of bad credit scores. Be careful when you are filling out the loan application form, divulge only those information which you feel is absolutely necessary. A quick solution for your emergency borrowing!

They work on the same terms as a payday loan. You get your loans on the same day and you repay it back by your next payday. This serves as a stop gap arrangement and thus bridges the financial gap till your next payday. It is often said that people with a lot of bad credit will be forced to obtain loans from high rates payday lenders. You can find a solution to this too, just compare online short term loans, request for a loan quote. Weigh the pros and cons of a particular loan and then take your decision on which to opt for. Don't let any lender fleece you and take advantage of your bad credit situation. Act wisely!

Fast Debit-Card Loan With No Credit Check

Thank You Messages To Write In Cards - Finding The Perfect Words

There are times when you need to say thanks and sometimes it can be frustrating trying to think of the right thank you messages to write in cards.

There are many websites offering standard verses and thank you messages but to save you some time I have searched around and found some of my favourite thank you messages to write in cards.

Card Payment Solutions

o Thank you just isn't enough! You're the best!

Thank You Messages To Write In Cards - Finding The Perfect Words

o Thank you for all you do - you are a true friend.

o Thank you much more

Than a greeting can say,

Because you were thoughtful

In such a nice way!

o This brings sincere thanks

for the lovely gift you sent.

We hope it helps to tell you

just how much it meant.

o Heartfelt Thanks...for all that you have done.

o The world's a better place

Because of folk like you

Who take the time to do nice things

The way you always do.

o Even if every flower in the world had a voice I couldn't send as many as it would take to say thanks enough!

If you are a keen crafter and make handmade cards it is a good idea to make up a selection of thank you cards. Once you have found a few different thank you messages to write in cards you can then add them to your handmade cards so that you have them ready in your supplies for when you need to send one.

Thank you messages to write in cards do not have to be overly sentimental and sometimes a few lines with a more humorous feel may suit the occasion better.

It important to think about what you are thanking the person for so that you can find suitable thank you messages to write. If you are sending the card to a loved one or relative something more heartfelt may be more appreciated. If it is for a colleague or a company expressing gratitude for a service they have provided then consider something more factual and detail why you are happy with the service they have provided.

Trying to come up with your own thank you messages to write in cards may be a hard task, especially if you want a verse that rhymes or are pushed for time. It is possible to have poems written for you however this can prove costly. If you really are stuck for ideas or need some inspiration then the best solution is to visit online sites that provide free thank you messages to write in cards. Finding the right words when sending a card can make all the difference. If the words fit the occasion then it really shows you have put time and effort into finding the right message.

Thank You Messages To Write In Cards - Finding The Perfect Words

Unemployed Credit Cards - For Easy and Convenient Shopping

With the help of credit cards, the users can go for easy shopping as they can purchase the things of their choice without the risk of carrying the amount with them. Nowadays, smart shoppers can choose a credit card from a wide variety of options. Before availing the card, the users must check any finance outstanding on it. The company or bank that issues the card grants a line of credit to the users from which they can borrow money for the payment to a seller or merchant.

You can not mix credit card with charge card, as both are different. As a matter of fact, a charge card requires the users to pay the balance in full on monthly basis. In counterpart, credit cards allow the users to 'revolve' their balance, at the cost of interest rate. Usually, the credit cards are issued by local banks, credit unions, and company. The cards are available in different shape and size specified by the ISO/IEC 7810 standard as ID-1. These cards can be availed by the people who are presently not on to a job or unemployed. The issuers have special type of cards for them named unemployed credit cards.

Card Payment Solutions

The company that issues the card against your shopping, charges interest rate on the amount of total purchase made by the user. The main features of unemployed credit cards are:

Unemployed Credit Cards - For Easy and Convenient Shopping

* Payment is made easy for online shopping, bills, etc.

* Easy access of money from home and anywhere across the world

* Spread the cost of repayment over flexible time period

* Interest rate reflects the circumstances

The best part is that credit card offers the opportunity to improve your adverse credit rating if you manage your credit account effectively. Moreover, the users can apply for the best credit cards offering as in the market there are better deals and lower APRs.

The main benefit to each customer is ease and comfort. Apart from this, the customers are free from the fraud protections as in case of debit cards, there are many. Lastly, carrying a credit card is a convenient, as it eliminates the need to carry large cash for most purposes.

Unemployed Credit Cards - For Easy and Convenient Shopping